Clutches: ,Construction ,Working ,Advantages ,Disadvantage, Application



Image credit: w:User:Sonett72 (Wikipedia )


Flywheel The flywheel is a heavy metal disc that is attached to the engine crankshaft. It stores energy and helps to smooth out the power delivery from the engine.
Pressure Plate The pressure plate is a spring-loaded plate that is attached to the flywheel. It applies pressure to the clutch disc, which helps to transmit power from the engine to the driven shaft.
Clutch Disc The clutch disc is a friction disc that is sandwiched between the flywheel and the pressure plate. It is made of a material that has a high coefficient of friction, which helps to transmit power from the engine to the driven shaft.
Release Bearing The release bearing is a bearing that is located between the clutch pedal and the pressure plate. It helps to disengage the clutch when the clutch pedal is pressed.


The clutch works by engaging and disengaging the friction between the clutch disc and the flywheel. When the clutch pedal is pressed, the release bearing pushes the pressure plate away from the flywheel. This disengages the clutch and allows the driver to change gears or stop the car. When the clutch pedal is released, the pressure plate moves back towards the flywheel and engages the clutch. This allows the power from the engine to be transmitted to the driven shaft.


  • Allows the driver to start and stop the car smoothly.
  • Allows the driver to change gears smoothly.
  • Protects the transmission from damage.
  • Allows the engine to run at a constant speed while the car is in gear.


  • Can be difficult to operate smoothly.
  • Can wear out over time.
  • Can be expensive to replace.


  • In cars, clutches are used to allow the driver to start and stop the car smoothly, as well as to change gears.
  • In trucks, clutches are used to allow the driver to start and stop the truck smoothly, as well as to change gears and to tow heavy loads.
  • In motorcycles, clutches are used to allow the driver to start and stop the motorcycle smoothly, as well as to change gears.
  • In buses, clutches are used to allow the driver to start and stop the bus smoothly, as well as to change gears and to carry large loads.
  • In industrial machines, clutches are used to allow the machine to start and stop smoothly, as well as to change gears and to operate at different speeds.

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