Pirani gauge ,Construction ,Working ,Advantages ,Disadvantage, Application

Pirani gauge ,Construction ,Working ,Advantages ,Disadvantage, Application


Consists of platinum filament wire enclosed in a chamber connected to an unknown pressure source.
Filament forms an arm of a Wheatstone-bridge.
Compensating resistance is placed in the opposite arm.


Pirani gauge operates on 3 modes: Constant current, Constant resistance, and Constant voltage.
Due to constant current, the filament gets heated.
At low pressure, thermal conductivity gets reduced.
Temperature variation leads to resistance variation of the filament and unbalances the Wheatstone bridge.
Change in resistance of the wire filament gives the value of unknown pressure.


Simple in design & easy to use.
More accurate than thermocouple gauges.
Remote reading is possible.
Range is between 10^-5 mm to 1 mm of Hg.
Quick and continuous response to pressure changes.


More expensive than thermocouple type of gauges.
Dependent on electrical power to operate.


Research and development laboratories
Industrial vacuum furnaces
Sputtering systems
Vacuum pumps
Mass spectrometers
Optical instruments
Semiconductor manufacturing

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