Machine Design Classification

Machine Design Classification

Classification of Machine Design and Design Methods

Classification of Machine Design

  • Adaptive design: Involves minor alterations or modifications to existing designs of a product. Requires ordinary technical training.
  • Development design: Requires scientific training and design ability to modify existing designs into new ideas, often involving new materials or manufacturing methods.
  • New design: Requires extensive research, technical ability, and creative thinking. Involves creating entirely new designs from scratch.

Design Methods

  1. Rational design: Relies on mathematical formulas based on principles of mechanics.
  2. Empirical design: Relies on empirical formulas based on practical experience and past knowledge.
  3. Industrial design: Considers production aspects for manufacturing machine components in an industry.
  4. Optimum design: Focuses on achieving the best design under specific constraints by minimizing undesirable effects.
  5. System design: Addresses the design of complex mechanical systems, such as a motor car.
  6. Element design: Deals with the design of individual mechanical elements within a system (e.g., piston, crankshaft, etc.).
  7. Computer-aided design: Utilizes computer systems to assist in creating, modifying, analyzing, and optimizing designs.

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