Difference between thermoplastic and thermosetting plastics.

Difference between thermoplastic and thermosetting plastics.
Thermoplastic vs Thermosetting Plastics

Thermoplastic vs Thermosetting Plastics

# Thermoplastic / Thermosoftening plastics Thermosetting plastics
1. The plastics who possess linear long-chain structures without cross-linkages are called thermosoftening plastics. It is also called as thermoplastic. The plastics that possess a three-dimensional complicated structure with cross-linkages are called thermosetting plastics.
2. They are formed by additional polymerization. They are formed by condensation polymerization.
3. They consist of polymers of smaller molecular weight. They consist of polymers of higher molecular weight.
4. They are softer, weaker & less brittle. They are harder, stronger & more brittle.
5. They have low tensile strength. They have high tensile strength.
6. Their intermolecular bonds are weak. Their intermolecular bonds are strong covalent bonds.
7. They soften on heating. They do not soften on heating.
8. They are soluble in an organic solvent. They are insoluble in organic solvent.
9. They can be reshaped and reused. They cannot be reshaped and reused.
10. They can be reclaimed from the waste. They cannot be reclaimed from the waste.
Thermoplastic: Polyethylene, Polypropylene, PVC.
Thermosetting: Epoxy, Phenolic, Melamine.

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