Power Triangle and Significance.

Power Triangle is a right angled triangle whose sides represent the active, reactive and apparent power.
 It is obtained by multiplying the circuit current I, active current (IcosØ) and reactive
current(IsinØ) by voltage V. Multiplication of voltage V with circuit current I, active current
IcosØ and reactive current IsinØ gives apparent power (S), active power (P) and reactive
power (Q) respectively.
Significance of Power triangle: ( Any two point expected)
1. P.F. increases current reduce so; cross section of conductor decreases hence its cost is
2. P.F. increases current reduce so, cross section of conductor decreases hence weight
decreases. So design of supporting structure becomes lighter.
3. Copper losses Decreases, Hence transmission efficiency increases.
4. Voltage drop reduces, hence voltage regulation becomes better 5. Handling capacity (KW)
of each equipment increases as p.f. increases.
6. Less capacity (KVA) rating of equipment’s are required so capital cost decreases.
7. Cost per unit (KWH) decreases.
Significance of Power triangle :
Power triangle is simply schematic representation of phasor diagram of inductive or capacitive power (reactive power) contain in load, which make power factor calculation simple. Power factor tell us the energy loss due to different load. This is very important for designing the energy efficient electrical system.

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