Ideal gases and ideal gas processes .

Ideal Gases and Ideal Gas Processes

What is ideal gas??
An ideal gas is a theoretical gas or a hypothetical gas  composed of a set of randomly moving,
Non-interacting points are like particles and they  always obey the gas law.
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An ideal gas can be defined as a state of matter  whose vaporization is complete and which strictly obeys the gas laws under all conditions of pressure and temperature .

Assumptions for Ideal Gas
1) An ideal gas contains a large number of
same molecule
2) Molecular size is negligible.
3) have molecular speeds and directions
distributed randomly
4) there is no attractive force between
5) All collisions are perfectly elastic and

gas law
The behavior of a gas undergoing any change is studied  with respect to its pressure, temperature and volume.
according to their behavior it is governed by the observance
Three Laws:
1] Boyle's  law
2] Gay  -Lussac's  law
3] Charles's  law

Boyle's law
Boyle's law states that " the absolute pressure of a given mass of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume, when the temperature is constant".

charlie's law 
Charles's law states that, "The volume of a given mass of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature when the pressure is constant."

Gay-Lussac's law
Gay-Lussac's law states that, "The absolute pressure of a given mass of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature, when the volume is constant."

joule's law
Joule's law states that, "The change in internal energy is directly proportional to the change in temperature."

various gas processes
Various gas processes are listed
1) isobaric process
2) isochoric process 
3) isothermal process
4) isentropic process
5) Polytropic process 

isobaric process
If the pressure of the gas remains constant during the process then the process is called isobaric or constant pressure process.

2) isochoric process

If the volume of a gas remains constant during a process, the process is said to be a process or isochoric constant volume process.

3) isothermal process 
If the temperature of the gas remains constant  during expansion or compression  then the process is called isothermal process or constant temperature process.

4) isentropic process
When the working substance in a system neither receives nor gives out heat to the surrounding during compression or expansion the process is called as isentropic process or Adiabatic process.
5)Polytropic Process

For Expansion and compression of gases polytropic process followed the law
P * V ^ n = 4 Constant


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