State the Main Features of Indian Boiler Regulation (IBR)

State the Main Features of Indian Boiler Regulation (IBR) 

1. A boiler cannot be put to use unless it has been registered with the Chief Inspector of 
2. The maximum working pressure of the boiler has to be determined by Boiler Inspector 
who will issue certificate for this. Owner cannot exceed this pressure limit in any case. 
3. In case of accident, it should be reported by owner within 24 hours with full details. 
4. The rules, regulations and bye-laws governing the upkeep and maintenance of boilers, 
procedure of registration, inspection and certification of maximum pressure, safety 
conditions etc. are subject to a revision by a Central Board under control of Govt. of India. 
5. The boiler house plan, chimney design (Max height 30.48 m from floor) should be 
approved by boiler inspector. 
6. Owner should apply for registration in prescribed format, inspector should fix date of 
inspection within 30 days, conduct inspection/examination of boiler, Issue the certificate of 
registration not exceeding 12 months period. 
7. Following inspections are carried out by Boiler Inspector at various stages/ levels /need-
Inspection for registration, Hydraulic test, steam test, annual inspection, Inspection under 
steam, Internal inspection, Accident inspection, Casual inspection 
8. Violation of law is liable to prosecution and punishment with fine.

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