Compare between Hot rolling and Cold rolling.

Rolling δικό μου έργο Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Aspect Hot Rolling Cold Rolling
Metal Temperature Above the recrystallization temperature Below the recrystallization temperature
Work Hardening Effect Generally does not show work hardening effect Shows work hardening effect
Coefficient of Friction Higher coefficient of friction Comparatively lower coefficient of friction
Experiment Measurements Difficult to make Can be carried out easily
Reduction in Area Heavy reduction possible Heavy reduction not possible
Mechanical Properties Improves properties by breaking cast structure and refining grain sizes Increases tensile strength and yield strength
Rolls Radius Generally larger in size Smaller in size
Section Thickness Very thin sections are not obtained Thin sections can be obtained
Surface Finish Metal oxide present, not a good surface finish Smooth and oxide-free surface
Applicability Used for ferrous and non-ferrous metals Applicable to plain and alloy steels, non-ferrous metals, and their alloys
Sequence Hot rolling is the father of the cold rolling. Cold rolling follows hot rolling

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